Monday, July 30, 2007


In this post, I will outline my views on "PRoactivity" the first habit of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey.

To me, proactivity is more a lifestlye than a habit. It is a life-choice, more than anything else. A person with a proactive personality is able to achieve anything that he wants, and change anything that he wants to. He carries an air around himself. But coming to what exactly proactivity means, and what its effects hold for us, is written below.

Proactivity is something which enables us to engineer our lives in the way we wish to. It says that no matter what the stimulus is, the response to that stimulus is entirely under our jurisdiction. It says, that if something happens to you, it your choice how you react. You use four human endowments, including creativity & imagination, to deduce what your response to the stimulus will be, using the yardstick of a set of predefined core values.

Your core values are a set of values upon which you wish to build your life. Proactivity advocates that the responses you give to any stimulus, are to be in line with your core values. So it basically means, that you're in control. You are to consciously decide your responses, instead of merely "reacting" to stimuli.

Proactive people carry their weather with themselves. Wether it is sunny outside, or its raining, they are in the mindset in which they want to be. A reactive person, on the other hand, may be happy if its raining, and unhappy if its sunny, or vice-versa. His moods and mindsets differ according to the conditions surrounding him. At some places he is enthusiastic, and at some he is dull.

Proactivity thus allows you to carry on with what you decide to do, irrespective of your exterior surroundings, or the people who surround you.

A small post compared to my usual length, but hey..Its not all that easy to write all your ideas in flow when your short of time right? :)

Tc, and keep coming! ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Right Now......

Right Now......

Caught in the eye of an immensely strong storm....

And I say to myself...Remain calm and silent. Let the storm pass. Quiet. Silent. Alert.

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or the faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can. So spoke the famous football coach Vince Lombardi. So i tell myself, believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities when they are put to use in the right manner. Believe in yourself.

Don't think you are. Know you are. So spoke Morpheus. So I tell myself - Don't think that you can win.....Know you that can win. Don't think that u can overcome the odds. Know that you can overcome the odds. Don't think that within you lies infinite potential. Know that within you lies infinite potential.

Deeds and Not words shall speak me. So spoke a wise man. So I tell myself - Deeds and Not words, shall speak me. Acts and not mere promises, shall define me. Action, and not letters, shall comprise me.


From this point onwards, I take a sharp turn into positivity! :)

"Better to laugh than to weep, says the Lord!" - I luvvvvv this statement!

How true!!

Life is always the same. It is our outlook that makes the difference.

Every person has some thing or the other to spoil his mood if it is his will to spoil his mood. And in the same way, there's always something to feel good about, at any point of time -- just that one should decide to feel good. :)

Life, is about living. About living in a wonderful, happy, delightful, enthusiastic way!

Life is about dreams, and love....about passion, and compassion.....about giving, and sharing, about loving, and recieving!

How lovely and beautiful it is, when one's life is of such a nature! Alas, we all spend our time, worrying about something or the other, 24/7!

Don't Worry! All will fall in place. :-)

Be at peace, and enjoy the ride! B-)

But build your foundations rock hard, for their strength will be put to test; Fortify your values, and integrate them into your life, for they will stand by you; Love yourself, and the Lord, for he is your unfailing friend.!

This is my philosophy of life....the philosophy I will build my life upon.

Your dreams can come true only if you support them with your action. You must enforce your goals, your dreams, your ambitions, with your actions. They alone will instill an air of consistency, which will become a sure guarantee of the splendor of your future.

'Laugh more. Appreciate more. and All is well.' I read this on my friend's profile. And I smiled.
How wonderful! What a joyful way of looking at things!

My life is a life of dreams ~ A life filled with my airplanes, my Lord, my loves', my joy;!

This is the life i will work for, and shape into reality!

Fly high, one and all, and hey! Smile!! :D
The Importance of a Goal

In anyone's life, the presence of a clear goal is vital. In order for one's life to have some amount of meaning and clarity, it is the presence of a clearcut goal that is the most important. Now lets look at what exactly I mean when i say that a goal is needed for one's life to have meaning.

Now, take two ways of life in consideration.

Life without a goal

First lets look at the life of a person without a goal. His life, in simple terms, will be morbid and meaningless. Lets see why. In everything he does, there seems to be a boredom filling him. In every choice he makes, its not something he wants that presides over the decision, but a kind of thick layer of laziness that determines his reactions. There he is, just bored. Nothing, but bored. There is nothing to inspire him to do something, and nothing to keep him going when he starts something. His life is plain and uneventful, filled with mental laziness. He is in a shell. A kind of cocoon which he has built around himself.

If you see such a person, there's nothing in him, that you will benefit from either, because he himself is in a state of mental inactivity. Maybe he's working. Maybe he's performing a job that demands lots of mental attention. Yet, as he does not have a goal, everything seems bland. There is nothing for him to look forward to. Just another uneventful day, with the same damm work, boring to the core. Its irritating for him. But there's little he does about it. Why? He doesnt have a clear goal. There's nothing in him which will ever make him do anything different from what he does everyday. Maybe he wont write the same programs he may have written yesterday.But its still the same thing he's doing with the same mental state : writing programs.

Such a life of zero excitement and full boredom had tons of disadvantages. To name a few, it hardly promotes mental growth in the sense that such a way of life is opposed to any progress in the person's ability at whatever he is doing, it leaves the person with no interest in whatever he is doing, it disarms the person with the prospects of perfection at what he does(which is vital in any sphere of life), it demotivates not only the person living this life, but also others. Its a lazy, uneventful, boring, savourless life, a life without a great goal. At this point, i feel more elaboration in not needed.

A Life with a Goal

Now, think about the life of a person with a great goal in life. This guy we're talkin about, is one guy who's fired up about his goals to the extent that we shall see in the following lines. For one minute, think of such a guy who has in front of him a wonderful goal and who is willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. Its a kind of perfection that graces his life. A Wonderful harmony in everything he does in his effort to reach his destination of success in whatever he has set for himself as a goal.

This guy, is willing to go through anything to attain his goal. If there's a way to heaven, its through hell or so say many people who speak about success. Now this guy in front of us says the same thing too. And bloody hell, its true. Whatever the needs be, whatever the odds be, whatever people say, whatever people do : There's no stepping back for this dude. Let people say anything they want to. Let people tell him on his face, that he will achieve only outright failure, he cares a damn. Let people obstruct his way to success in whichever means they want, but this guy is not going to stop.

Now, just look at his way of life. Its something far more happy than the 1st case we discussed. This guy is innovative and enterprising and inspired. Why? Solely because he knows that the responsibility of reaching his goal lies entirely upon him and solely on him. He knows, that he makes things, or he breaks them. So he's always thinking of new ways to do things, and new ways to reach his destination. Now, assume he is a programmer. He too, is writing programs, and nothing else. But whats the difference between the first guy and the second? The second guy writes programs, but is always innovating new methodologies and thinking of new prospects. For him, its not boring and savourless, but its interesting and is a way for his growth.

Now, as for my part, i would say that if i was to choose between the two, i would definitely choose only the second way of life and not the first. The choice is entirely yours readers, but my advice would be to experiment and then decide through practical experience.

The Charecteristics of a Goal

Now, lets see the charecterisitcs of a goal. A goal as i would define, is more like a destination. The steps you take to achieve your goal, are like places in the journey to reach the destination of your goal. A goal must be so inspiring that you must be able to face the whole world in opposition and stick onto it. It must be so interesting that time flies in your pursuit for it. It must be so wonderful, that once u've reached ur goal, u shud be sure to go mad in ecstacy.

BUT, there are two small loop holes in what i just said.

1. Your goal must be BIG and Longterm. Your goal must be a way of life for u. A pursuit. A journey.

2. Your victory is a private Victory. Not a public one. Be sure about this one.

Your goal must be sumthin that must be over a slightly long period of time, for it to become ur way of life. But remember, these are not the only type of goals. The small ones are stepping stones to the big ones. The small ones will let you succeed in small steps. But its the big ones which make or break you. You will see the changes the goal has brought about in you.

So, here's the conclusion as I wud have it.

Have a Goal - A life without a great goal sucks.
And once u have a goal, do anything and everything to achieve it.
Loving Airplanes - The joy of being an airplane-crazy-freak...:D

Where do I start?!

Where do I end?!

Airplanes, Airplanes....and more Airplanes, is all I want to see and fly in my life....:D

Well, There are certain common *thingies* for an aspiring pilot.

Watching airplanes take off and land (standing near the wall of an airport or airfield), going like "aawww....woowwww" on seeing an aircraft, nearly fainting in joy on seeing a flight deck, and dreaming every minute....i guess these are sume of the attributes of a passionate aspiring pilot, or rather, the experiences which every person who loves airplanes, goes through.....:D

Its sumething inevitable that happens, when people actually get to know about how crazy you are about airplanes - When they go like "This is not called 'passion' - this is called going insane - there should be a limit for everything you do. Is there no limit to your lunacy with regard to planes?? Everyone thinks you are wierd..!!!" and we are like " Thanks for the compliments mate!!! :D:D:D ".

I guess one thing that most pilots at least a lot of the ones whom I know, have faced is this. The stupid problem with most people is that they dunno a shit about airplanes or aviation or flight decks, and they go on yappin about airplanes and aviation and flight decks...! Funny!!! And sumetimes, ( correction, most times), you come across fools, who say " Why do u need to study to fly...? If a person wants to drive a truck, he just has to learn to drive and then get a license. Then why are u studying so much? ". And yupp, all the aspiring/future/present pilots, have had to face these fools at some point of time in their lives...!! And guess what, the thing is, that we dunt know what to say to those fools who say such things. In telugu, they say "Navvalo Edavalo Teliyadu" - lol - which literally means, " After listening to this, i dunno wether to laugh or to cry" CAN you do with such people.....On one side, its dumbos saying crap, and on the other side, its airplane-crazy maniacs who are "Fida" over airplanes....What can you expect, but these kind of situations...:D

The thing is, all aspiring pilots (the ones who really really really want to fly) are dreamers. U touch them, and all that comes out is "Airplane". U talk to them, and all they want to talk about, is "airplanes". You go to their rooms, its airplanes (miniatures and posters and pic..! ). Look at their computer, its full of airplane pics. Look at their books, there's things like "A340" or "777" or names like "Airbus" or "Boeing". Look at their anything, and all u find is stuff related to "Airplanes". You talk to them, and they compare everything to airplanes....("This thing is as kewl a 777's look...:D / Nuthing can beat the joy of flying an A340").

For them, Life is Simple. Eat, Sleep, Fly. And if u ask them about this attribute, they go like "What else do I need?".

Lol. Are aspiring pilots soooo crazy?!!? So lunatic to the core?!! So airplane-infested that they have no other world to dream in?!!

Well, the answer is not a choice. Its Inevitability. There's nothing they can do about these things. These are not things they cultivated. They came on their own.

Pilots and aspiring pilots by nature, are CRAZY.

But on the other hand, lets talk about the polished side of these guys.

They are masters in their areas of interest - (airplanes...:D ). They are ever learning, and ever joyful. They open sume book to do with planes at 8 in the evening today, and they dunt get up till 8 in the evening the next day. They have the inbuilt capacity to stare and stare and stare and stare and stare at their models (airplane miniatures) and posters (flight decks and exteriors) for hours and hours. People can go mad in the presence of these people u know!

They have a flair for mastery over sleep - If u tell them, I will take u to distance of 100 metres from an A320 or an A330, they will raise up like Zombies who nightwalk. You say it at midnight, and up they rise, like its sume magic spell...!!

They are capable of withstanding any weather - sweltering heat, humid weather, rain, snow, anything! All they wanna see is airplanes and all they wanna do is think about airplanes...:D.
Let the weather be anything, they dunt care.

Well, well, People who are THIS mad in life, ought to be really really crazy eh!

Lol. Thats what we all are....:D

Now, hold on for a second. I guess many people in this world have mobile phones. But the thing with these airplane-crazy-lunatics is, that even in their mobile numbers, they want sumething to do with airplanes.

Wait a are these guys gonna have sumething to do with airplanes in a mobile number?!

Its simple - the number will contain the name of sume aircraft....Eg.: It ends with sumething like 00747 or 00787 or 00340. This is teh actual number of a pilot i know. That pilot flies a 747-400. And guess what, the last six digits of his number are "747400". :D

Crazy!!!!! :D

Lol. thats what we all are. What else could we ask for...?! :D

Eeeeeee!!!! There's just so many thingies to write about, and such little time...

Will get back to you for sure folks....Keep coming...:D